Он зашёл в воду по пояс. | He went into water up to his waist. |
Он обвязывает верёвку вокруг пояса девочки. | He is tying the cord around the girl's waist. |
Вокруг её пояса шла верёвка. | A cord went around her waist. |
талия | waist |
NB Талия "waist" vs. пояс "waist." These synonyms have different combinatory properties. The word пояс "waist" is used to indicate the level of something, e.g. голый до пояса "naked to the waist," вода по пояс "water up to one's waist," etc. Such expressions are not used with талия "waist." On the other hand, the word талия is used in expressions which describe the shape of that part of the body: тонкая талия "a slim waist," узкая талия "a narrow waist," etc. The word пояс is not used in such constructions (except for the expression тонкий в поясе "small-waisted"). |
поясной | waist (as modifier) |
поясной портрет | half-length portrait |
тонкий в поясеp | small-waisted |
по поясa | to the waist |
Он зашёл в воду по пояс. | He went into water up to his waist. |
высовываться/высунуться по поясa | to lean halfway out |
до поясаg | down to the waist |
В комнату вошёл голый до пояса мужчина. | Into the room walked a man who was naked to the waist. |
Она носит ожерелья до пояса. | She wears necklaces down to her waist. |
вокруг поясаg | around the waist |
ниже поясаg | below the waist |
выше поясаg | above the waist |
Удары ниже пояса в боксе запрещены. | In boxing, blows below the belt are not allowed. |
Водитель грузовика, высунувшись по пояс из раскрытой дверцы, что-то ему кричал. | The truck driver, leaning halfway out the open door, was yelling something to him. |