поясница small of the back; lower back

Поясница её сильно ныла. Her lower back ached badly.


This entry is concerned with the word поясница denoting the part of a human back just below the waist. It is usually used when referring to sensations of pain. The word does not refer to animals.


поясница SS f.in.noun


Syntactic actants

Actant 1: whose back it is
(a) Genitive
(b) Possessive
Поясница бабушки была всегда обмотана платком. Grandma always had a shawl wrapped around the small of her back.
Поясница её сильно ныла. Her lower back ached badly.
NB When the word поясница functions as a subject and does not have a descriptive modifier, the construction поясница у + Genitive is often preferred to (a) and (b), above:
Поясница у бабушки была всегда обмотана платком. Grandma always had a shawl wrapped around the small of her back.

Lexical Relationships

Syntactic derivatives

поясничный lumbar
поясничные позвонки lumbar vertebrae

Medical conditions and their treatment

болеть/заболеть [Pf-begin]: у Ng поясницаn болит N's lower back hurts
боль в поясницеp pain in one's lower back
ныть/заныть [Pf-begin]: у Ng поясницаn ноет N has a dull ache in his lower back
ломить [no Pf.]: у Ng поясницуa ломит N has a severe ache in his lower back
прострел (в поясницеp) lumbago
натирать/натереть поясницуa мазьюi to massage ointment onto one's lower back
растирать/растереть поясницуa to massage one's lower back

Sample texts

— Ой, как поясницу ломит!
— Положи грелку на поясницу, помогает. Или натри тигровой мазью.
"Oh, does my back ache!"
"A hot water bottle will help. Or rub some mentholated ointment on it."