Movements that express emotional or psychological states

целовать/поцеловать кончикиa своих пальцевg to kiss the tips of one's fingers
NB The above expression describes a gesture of admiration.
потирать пальцемi переносицуa to rub the bridge of one's nose
NB The above expression describes a contemplative gesture.
кусать [no Pf.] себеd пальцыa to bite one's fingers
NB The above expression describes a nervous gesture.
хрустеть/хрустнуть [Pf-once] пальцамиi to crack one's knuckles
NB The above expression describes a nervous gesture.
щёлкать/защёлкать [Pf-begin] пальцамиi to snap one's fingers
NB The above phrase refers to a gesture used to express annoyance, when one cannot remember something.
— С этой... ну... с этой, ну... — ответил гость и защёлкал пальцами. [М. Булгаков, Мастер и Маргарита] "With this... ah... with this...," answered the guest, and started snapping his fingers. [M. Bulgakov, Master and Margarita]
барабанить/побарабанить [Pf-awhile] пальцамиi по столуd (or по стеклуd);
стучать/постучать [Pf-awhile] пальцамиi по столуd (or по стеклуd)
to drum on a table/glass with one's fingers
NB The phrases above describe gestures of pensiveness or preoccupation.
переплетать/переплести пальцыa;
сплетать/сплести пальцыa
to intertwine fingers (of two people)
NB The above expression is usually said of lovers who intertwine their fingers.
тыкать/ткнуть [Pf-once] пальцемi в Na to jab N with one's finger
Он тыкал своим толстым пальцем в мою рукопись и ругался. He jabbed my manuscript with his fat finger and swore.
грозить/погрозить Nd пальцемi to shake one's finger at N