зажимать/зажать ноздриa
to pinch one's nose
The above expression describes an action performed so as not to smell something unpleasant.
зажимать/зажать одну ноздрюa
to pinch one nostril
The above expression usually describes what one does to close one nostril while leaving the other free to snort tobacco or narcotics, use a nasal spray, clear one nasal passage, etc.
вздрагивать [no Pf.]: ноздриn вздрагивают;
трепетать [no Pf.]: ноздриn трепещут
someone's nostrils quiver
раздуваться [no Pf.]: ноздриn раздуваются
someone's nostrils flare
When applied to humans, the above expression usually describes a symptom of anger.
Ничего не ответив, словно его не было, — только вздрогнули ноздри узкого носа, — она повернулась на стуле,.. достала с буфета сзади пепельницу, поставила у тарелки, сбросила пепел. [В. Набоков, Дар]
Without a word of reply, as if he was not there — only the nostrils of her narrow nose quivered — she turned in her chair,.. obtained an ashtray from the sideboard behind her, placed it by her plate and flicked some ash into it.
[V. Nabokov, The Gift]
Женя Смородина, когда вселяла в слабого, суетливого мужа дух борьбы и протеста, сама на глазах хорошела: глаза совсем темнели,.. ноздри прямого носа вздрагивали... [В. Шукшин]
When Zhenya Smorodina was trying to inspire aggression and protest in her weak, fussy husband, her looks improved: her eyes seemed darker,.. and the nostrils of her straight nose quivered... [V. Shukshin]
Ничего, ничего, — быстро сказал господин и выпустил две тонких струи дыма из ноздрей вдруг сузившегося носа. [В. Набоков, Защита Лужина]
"Never mind, never mind," said the other quickly and expelled two thin streams of smoke through the nostrils of his suddenly narrowed nose. [V. Nabokov, The Defense]
Рысак вскинул голову, ноздри его трепетали, он стриг ушами и подрагивал мускулами. [В. Сорокин, Роман]
The trotter threw back his head, his nostrils trembled, he twitched his ears and his muscles quivered. [V. Sorokin, "Roman"]