
красный нос red nose
В комнату вошёл Коля с красным от холода носом. Kolya walked into the room, his nose red from the cold.
красноносый red-nosed
синий нос purple nose
лиловый нос purplish nose
сизый нос bluish nose
Судя по его сизому носу, он любит крепкие напитки. Judging by his bluish nose, he likes strong drink.
NB The colors listed above are perceived as the result of excessive drinking or exposure to cold.
белый нос white nose
восковой нос waxy nose
NB The expression белый нос is likely to refer to a frost-bitten nose, or to the nose of a corpse, while the expression восковой нос is likely to be said of a dying person or a corpse.
нос в угряхp; угреватый нос nose covered with blackheads