Острый локоть Пети упирался мне в живот. | Petya's sharp elbow was pressed into my stomach. |
Его локти были сильно ободраны. | His elbows were badly scraped. |
NB When the word локоть functions as a subject and does not have a descriptive modifier, the construction локоть у + Genitive is often preferred to (a) and (b), above: | |
Локти у него были сильно ободраны. | His elbows were badly scraped. |
левый/правый локоть | the left/right elbow |
Правый локоть у него был сильно ободран. | His right elbow was badly scraped. |
локоть левой/правой руки | the elbow of the left/right arm |
локоть на левой/правой руке | the elbow of the left/right arm |