Other movements

прислоняться/прислониться лбомi к Nd;
прислонять/прислонить лобa к Nd
to lean one's forehead against N
Девочка стояла в углу, прислонив лоб (or прислонившись лбом) к стене. The little girl stood in the corner, leaning her forehead against the wall.
NB Лоб belongs to the group of words (голова "head," спина "back," плечо "shoulder") that can be used with the verb прислониться. Some other words referring to body parts cannot be used with this verb, e.g. рука "arm; hand," нога "leg; foot." These are used with опереться, below.
опираться/опереться лбомi на (or о) Na to rest one's forehead on N, to lean one's forehead against N
надвигать/надвинуть шапкуa на лобa;
нахлобучивать/нахлобучить шапкуa на лобa Colloquial
to pull one's hat down over one's forehead
Дул ледяной ветер. Он надвинул шапку на лоб и поднял воротник. An icy wind was blowing. He pulled his hat down over his forehead and turned up his collar.
сдвигать/сдвинуть очкиa на лобa to park one's glasses on one's forehead
начёсывать/начесать волосыa на лобa to comb one's hair over one's forehead
убирать/убрать волосыa (or платокa, etc.) со лбаg to brush one's hair (scarf, etc.) back off of one's forehead
откидывать/откинуть волосыa (or вуальa, etc.) со лбаg to throw one's hair (veil, etc.) back off of one's forehead