Other movements

стучать/стукнуть [Pf-once] кулакомi по столуd;
ударять/ударить кулакомi по столуd
to pound one's fist on a table
NB The above phrases describe a gesture of rage.
упирать/упереть кулакиa в столa (or в бумагиa, etc.) to lean/prop one's fist on the table (or on the papers, etc.)
Роберт подошёл к столу и, уперев грязные кулаки в какие-то бумаги, сказал... [Стругацкие, Далёкая радуга] Robert went up to the table and, leaning his dirty fists on some papers there, said... [A. and B. Strugatskiy, The Distant Rainbow]
тереть [no Pf.] глазаa кулакомi to rub one's eyes with one's fist
NB The above phrase usually describes the action of a child who is sleepy.
сжимать/сжать рукуa в кулакa to clench one's hand into a fist
сжимать/сжать кулакиa;
стискивать/стиснуть кулакиa
to clench one's fists
NB The above phrases often describe a sign of anger.
сжатые кулаки; стиснутые кулаки clenched fists
разжимать/разжать кулакa to unclench/open one's fist
Девочка разжала кулак и показала монеты. The girl opened her fist and showed the coins.
забирать/забрать бородуa в кулакa to hold one's beard in one's hand
NB The above phrase describes a contemplative gesture.
подпирать/подпереть щёкуa кулакомi to cradle one's cheek on one's fist (with one's elbow resting on a flat surface and one's cheek propped on one's fist)
подкладывать/подложить кулачокa под щёкуa to put one's fist under one's cheek
NB The above expression is usually said of a sleeping child.
размазывать/размазать слёзыa кулакомi to wipe tears away with one's fist
прыскать/прыснуть в кулакa to suppress laughter by putting one's fist into one's mouth (lit. "to laugh into one's fist")
NB The above expression refers to a gesture of an uneducated and ill-mannered person.