горло throat

У Пети пересохло горло. Pete's throat got dry.


This entry is concerned with the use of the word горло to refer to the front of the neck of humans or animals, the inner soft tissue, and in some expressions, the neck (e.g. обвязывать горло шарфом "to wrap a scarf around one's neck"). Common sense will dictate which of the expressions can or cannot be used to refer to animals or humans.


горло SS n.in.noun


Syntactic actants

Actant 1: whose throat it is
(a) Genitive
(b) Possessive
На горле убитой были ссадины. There were scratches on the dead woman's throat.
Горло его сильно болело. His throat was really sore.
NB When the word горло functions as a subject and does not have a descriptive modifier, the construction горло у + Genitive is often preferred to (a) and (b), above:
Горло у Пети сильно болело. Pete's throat was really sore.

Lexical Relationships


горлышко throat

Syntactic derivatives

горловой throat (as modifier); guttural; laryngeal
горловые болезни diseases of the throat
горловой звук guttural sound


миндалины; гланды tonsils
голосовые связки vocal chords
дыхательное горло windpipe
пищевод esophagus

Sensations, medical conditions and their treatment

сухость в горлеp dryness in the throat
пересыхать/пересохнуть: у Ng горлоn пересохло; у Ng в горлеp пересохло N's throat went dry
NB The above expressions are often used to refer to feeling nervous or fearful.
комок в горлеp a lump in someone's throat
стоять [no Pf.]: у Ng комокn стоит в горлеp N has a lump in his throat
NB The above expression often indicates that N is on the verge of tears.
подступать/подступить: у Ng слёзыn подступили к горлуd N is on the verge of tears
болеть/заболеть [Pf-begin]: у Ng горлоn болит N's throat hurts
скрести/заскрести [Pf-begin]: у Ng горлоa скребёт N has a scratchy throat
NB The above expression usually refers to the dry, scratchy throat of a cold.
саднить [no Pf.]: у Ng горлоa саднит N's throat aches
драть [no Pf.]: у Ng горлоa дерёт Colloquial N's throat is irritated
NB The above expression is used to refer to an irritation produced by a cold or by spicy food.
першить/запершить [Pf-begin]: у Ng першит в горлеp N has a tickle in his throat
красное горло a red throat
ангина strep throat; tonsillitis; sore throat
нарыв в горлеp; абсцесс в горлеp an abscess in the throat
тонзилит tonsillitis
ларингит laryngitis
полоскать/прополоскать горлоa to gargle
Ох, как горло дерёт! Надо чаще полоскать. My throat is so irritated! I have to gargle more often.
врач ухо-горло-нос;
горловик Colloquial; отоларинголог Formal
an ear, nose, and throat doctor, otolaryngologist
идти/пойти [Pf-begin]: у Ng кровьn пошла горломi N spit blood, N coughed up blood
NB The above expression is used to refer, for example, to the condition of a patient suffering from consumption.

Inflicting injuries

сжимать/сжать Nd горлоa;
хватать/схватить Na за горлоa
to grab N by the throat
душить/задушить Na to strangle N
перегрызать/перегрызть Nd горлоa to rip N's throat out, to bite through N's throat
Тигр бросился на оленёнка и мгновенно перегрыз ему горло. The tiger fell upon the fawn and in an instant ripped its throat out.

Intake of food and beverages

вставать/встать: у Ng1 Nn2 встал поперёк горлаg;
застревать/застрять: у Ng1 Nn2 застрял в горлеp
N2 got stuck in N's1 throat
NB N2 denotes a piece of food, a bone, etc.
попадать/попасть не в то горлоa to go down the wrong pipe

Throat and voice

прочищать/прочистить горлоa to clear one's throat
кричать/закричать [Pf-begin] (or орать/заорать [Pf-begin]) во всё горлоa to shout at the top of one's lungs

Covering the throat

обвязывать/обвязать горлоa Ni;
закрывать/закрыть горлоa Ni
to wrap N around one's neck.
NB N denotes a scarf, a kerchief, etc.
быть [no Pf.] открыто: у Ng горлоn открыто N's throat is uncovered
Сегодня ветер, а у тебя горло открыто. It's windy today, and your neck is bare.

Other expressions

входить/войти в водуa по горлоa to go into water up to one's neck
стоять [no Pf.] по горлоa в водеp to stand in water up to one's neck
сидеть [no Pf.] по горлоa в водеp to sit in water up to one's neck
проваливаться/провалиться в Na по горлоa to sink into N up to one's neck
NB N denotes a swamp, mud, water, etc.

Sample texts

Голова её была откинута, и её открытое горло было перед его глазами... [Стругацкие, Улитка на склоне] Her head was thrown back and her open throat was there before his eyes... [A. and B. Strugatskiy, The Snail on the Slope]
— Зовите, зовите, — прочищая горло кашлем, приказал прокуратор... [М. Булгаков, Мастер и Маргарита. "Call him, call him," ordered the procurator, clearing his throat. [M. Bulgakov, Master and Margarita]
Закрой горло, а то простудишься. Cover your throat or you'll catch cold.