сухость в горлеp
dryness in the throat
пересыхать/пересохнуть: у Ng горлоn пересохло; у Ng в горлеp пересохло
N's throat went dry
The above expressions are often used to refer to feeling nervous or fearful.
комок в горлеp
a lump in someone's throat
стоять [no Pf.]: у Ng комокn стоит в горлеp
N has a lump in his throat
The above expression often indicates that N is on the verge of tears.
подступать/подступить: у Ng слёзыn подступили к горлуd
N is on the verge of tears
болеть/заболеть [Pf-begin]: у Ng горлоn болит
N's throat hurts
скрести/заскрести [Pf-begin]: у Ng горлоa скребёт
N has a scratchy throat
The above expression usually refers to the dry, scratchy throat of a cold.
саднить [no Pf.]: у Ng горлоa саднит
N's throat aches
драть [no Pf.]: у Ng горлоa дерёт Colloquial
N's throat is irritated
The above expression is used to refer to an irritation produced by a cold or by spicy food.
першить/запершить [Pf-begin]: у Ng першит в горлеp
N has a tickle in his throat
красное горло
a red throat
strep throat; tonsillitis; sore throat
нарыв в горлеp; абсцесс в горлеp
an abscess in the throat
полоскать/прополоскать горлоa
to gargle
Ох, как горло дерёт! Надо чаще полоскать.
My throat is so irritated! I have to gargle more often.
врач ухо-горло-нос;
горловик Colloquial; отоларинголог Formal
an ear, nose, and throat doctor, otolaryngologist
идти/пойти [Pf-begin]: у Ng кровьn пошла горломi
N spit blood, N coughed up blood
The above expression is used to refer, for example, to the condition of a patient suffering from consumption.
входить/войти в водуa по горлоa
to go into water up to one's neck
стоять [no Pf.] по горлоa в водеp
to stand in water up to one's neck
сидеть [no Pf.] по горлоa в водеp
to sit in water up to one's neck
проваливаться/провалиться в Na по горлоa
to sink into N up to one's neck
N denotes a swamp, mud, water, etc.
Голова её была откинута, и её открытое горло было перед его глазами... [Стругацкие, Улитка на склоне]
Her head was thrown back and her open throat was there before his eyes... [A. and B. Strugatskiy, The Snail on the Slope]
— Зовите, зовите, — прочищая горло кашлем, приказал прокуратор... [М. Булгаков, Мастер и Маргарита.
"Call him, call him," ordered the procurator, clearing his throat. [M. Bulgakov, Master and Margarita]
Закрой горло, а то простудишься.
Cover your throat or you'll catch cold.