В этот момент он почувствовал сильный удар по голове.
At that moment he felt a heavy blow on the head.
This entry is primarily concerned with the word голова denoting the human head, though it may also refer to the head of an animal. No specific words or expressions exist for heads of animals. Common sense will dictate which of the
expressions cannot be used to refer to animals. The word голова is also used metonymically or metaphorically, in the
sense of "the seat of reason": терять голову "to lose one's common sense, to lose one's head,"
Интересная мысль пришла мне в голову "An interesting idea occurred to me," in the sense of
"good/bad memory": Голова у меня плохая стала! "I can't remember things the way I used
to," in the sense of "mental ability": У него прекрасная голова! "He has a good
head on his shoulders," in the sense of "a bright or capable person": Петров —
голова! "Petrov is a real brain," and in the sense of "the front part of a group of
people in motion": Ищи его в голове колонны "Look for him at the head of the column."
These meanings are not described here.