Под левым глазом у него был синяк, а правый настолько распух, что вовсе не открывался. | There was a bruise under his left eye, and his right one was so swollen that he couldn't open it at all. |
Вечерняя работа над чертежами отразилась на его глазах. | Nighttime work on the drawings affected his eyes. |
The plural form глаза is also used to mean "sight, vision, ability to see," e.g. Работал всю жизнь в темноте, вот и лишился глаз. "All his life he worked in poor light, and finally lost his eyesight." This meaning is also described in this entry.
The following meanings are not described in this dictionary: "an unusual perceptiveness for certain things" (материнский глаз "a mother's eye," хозяйский глаз "a proprietary eye") and "care, supervision, looking after" (Ребёнку нужен глаз "Someone has to keep an eye on the child").