бюст bosom, bust, breasts

Вязаная кофта туго обтягивала её бюст. A knitted jacket fit her bosom snugly.
Свитер туго обтягивал её высокий бюст. The sweater fit her high bust snugly.


This entry is concerned with the use of the word бюст to refer to a woman's bosom. For the difference between the word бюст and its synonym грудь2 see Synonyms under Lexical Relationships, below.


бюст SS m.in.noun


Syntactic actants

Actant 1: whose bosom it is
(a) Genitive
(b) Possessive
Бюст Анны Ильиничны отличался необыкновенной пышностью. Anna Ilyinichna had an unusually splendid bosom.
Прежде всего бросался в глаза её величественный бюст. The first thing that struck one's eye was her majestic bosom.
NB When the word бюст functions as a subject and does not have a descriptive modifier, the construction бюст у + Genitive is sometimes preferred to бюст + Ng:
Бюст у Анны Ильиничны отличался необыкновенной пышностью. Anna Ilyinichna had an unusually splendid bosom.

Lexical Relationships


грудь2 bosom, bust, breasts
NB The word бюст refers to the appearance rather than to the function of the breast; that is, this word will not be used when speaking of breast feeding, for example. It is used mainly in expressions which describe the shape of a woman's bosom (usually indicating a large, high bosom). Like the English word "bosom," it is perceived as a single unit, and thus cannot combine with adjectives such as "left" and "right." The word грудь2 is used in many different situations, including those referring to function.

Size and shape; aesthetics

большой бюст a large bosom
высокий бюст a high bosom
пышный бюст a lush/large bosom
роскошный бюст a magnificent bosom
NB This refers to a large, well-shaped bosom.
державный бюст a stately bosom
величественный бюст a majestic bosom
у Ng нет бюстаg N is flat-chested
Что же это за женщина? Никакого бюста нет. What sort of woman is that? She's completely flat-chested (lit. "has no bust").
NB The following adjectives are used with the word грудь but not with the word бюст: маленький "small," плоский "flat," приплюснутый "flat."

Other visible properties and conditions

обнажённый бюст; открытый бюст a bare bosom
закрытый бюст a covered bosom
обтягивать [no Pf.]: Nn (туго) обтягивает бюстa N fits the bust snugly (or strains across the bust)
NB N = блузка "blouse," кофта "sweater," etc.

Sample texts

Черноглазая француженка с пышным бюстом задорно пела, плохо выговаривая русские слова. [Вересаев, В юные годы] The dark-eyed Frenchwoman with the lush bosom sang with gusto in heavily-accented Russian. [Veresaev, "In the Youthful Years"]
Платье сидело на ней в обтяжку...
От этого даже и закрытый бюст её... мог бы послужить живописцу или скульптору моделью крепкой здоровой груди [И. Гончаров, Обломов]
The dress was close-fitting... Because of that, even her clothed bosom... could have served as a model for a painter or sculptor of firm and healthy breasts. [I. Goncharov, Oblomov]