bosom | |
Вязаная кофта туго обтягивала её бюст. | A knitted jacket fit her bosom snugly. |
bust | |
Свитер туго обтягивал её высокий бюст. | The sweater fit her high bust snugly. |
Бюст Анны Ильиничны отличался необыкновенной пышностью. | Anna Ilyinichna had an unusually splendid bosom. |
Прежде всего бросался в глаза её величественный бюст. | The first thing that struck one's eye was her majestic bosom. |
NB When the word бюст functions as a subject and does not have a descriptive modifier, the construction бюст у + Genitive is sometimes preferred to бюст + Ng: | |
Бюст у Анны Ильиничны отличался необыкновенной пышностью. | Anna Ilyinichna had an unusually splendid bosom. |
грудь2 | bosom, bust, breasts |
NB The word бюст refers to the appearance rather than to the function of the breast; that is, this word will not be used when speaking of breast feeding, for example. It is used mainly in expressions which describe the shape of a woman's bosom (usually indicating a large, high bosom). Like the English word "bosom," it is perceived as a single unit, and thus cannot combine with adjectives such as "left" and "right." The word грудь2 is used in many different situations, including those referring to function. |
большой бюст | a large bosom |
высокий бюст | a high bosom |
пышный бюст | a lush/large bosom |
роскошный бюст | a magnificent bosom |
NB This refers to a large, well-shaped bosom. | |
державный бюст | a stately bosom |
величественный бюст | a majestic bosom |
у Ng нет бюстаg | N is flat-chested |
Что же это за женщина? Никакого бюста нет. | What sort of woman is that? She's completely flat-chested (lit. "has no bust"). |
NB The following adjectives are used with the word грудь but not with the word бюст: маленький "small," плоский "flat," приплюснутый "flat." |
обнажённый бюст; открытый бюст | a bare bosom |
закрытый бюст | a covered bosom |
обтягивать [no Pf.]: Nn (туго) обтягивает бюстa | N fits the bust snugly (or strains across the bust) |
NB N = блузка "blouse," кофта "sweater," etc. |
Черноглазая француженка с пышным бюстом задорно пела, плохо выговаривая русские слова. [Вересаев, В юные годы] | The dark-eyed Frenchwoman with the lush bosom sang with gusto in heavily-accented Russian. [Veresaev, "In the Youthful Years"] |
Платье сидело на ней в обтяжку...
От этого даже и закрытый бюст её... мог бы послужить живописцу или скульптору моделью крепкой здоровой груди [И. Гончаров, Обломов] |
The dress was close-fitting... Because of that, even her clothed bosom... could have served as a model for a painter or sculptor of firm and healthy breasts. [I. Goncharov, Oblomov] |