Movements and gestures

NB The following expressions apply only to hair on the head.
убирђть/убрђть вћлосыa со лбђg to brush the hair from one's forehead
Уберќ вћлосы со лбђ! Ведь онќ тебљ мешђют! Brush the hair back from your forehead! It's getting in your way!
откќдывать/откќнуть вћлосыa со лбђg to toss the hair back from one's forehead
Ћн откќнул вћлосы со лбђ знакћмым, тћлько емџ присџщим движљнием. He tossed his hair back from his forehead with that familiar gesture that was his alone.
запускђть/запустќть рџкиa в вћлосыa to run one's hands through one's hair, to bury one's hands in one's hair
встрїхивать/встряхнџть волосђмиi to toss one's hair
глђдить/поглђдить Na по волосђмd to stroke N's hair
проводќть/провестќ рукћйi по волосђмd to pass one's hand over one's hair, to stroke one's hair
накрџчивать/накрутќть вћлосыa на пђльцыa to wind one's hair around one's finger
ерћшить (or взъерћшивать)/взъерћшить Nd вћлосыa to tousle N's hair