џхо ear

У неё бІли мђленькие, красќвые џши, котћрые очљнь мќло краснљли на морћзе. She had small, beautiful ears which turned appealingly pink from the cold.
Собђка зђмерла и насторожќла џши. The dog stood still and pricked its ears.


This entry is concerned with the use of the word џхо "ear" to refer to human and animal ears; special notes are provided when animal ears require specific expressions (mostly for describing the appearance and the movements of ears). Some of the expressions normally used to refer to human ears may be also used to refer to ears of animals, especially domestic animals and pets. Common sense will dictate which of the expressions can or cannot be used to refer to animals.

The word џхо, mostly in the singular, but sometimes, informally, in the plural form џши, is also used to mean "the sense of hearing, the ability to hear." In this meaning, the word џхо combines with very few expressions; these are also described in this entry, marked with a special note.

The word џхо is also used in the sense "an unusual perceptiveness for certain things," as in охћтничье џхо "a hunter's ear," музІкальное џхо "a musician's ear." This meaning is not treated in this dictionary.


џхо SE NPlur. џши; n.in.noun
NB Irregular in phrases зђ ухо, зђ уши "by/behind one's ear(s)"; нђ ухо, нђ уши "into one's ear(s)"; удђрить пћ уху "to box one's ear"; чесђть etc. зђ ухом "to scratch behind one's ear."


Syntactic actants

Actant 1: who has the ear
(a) Genitive
(b) Possessive
Џши Иванћва торчђли из-под шђпки. Ivanov's ears stuck out from under his hat.
Пљтины џши постоїнно беспокћили родќтелей. Petya's ears always worried his parents.
NB When the word џхо (or џши) functions as a subject and does not have a descriptive modifier, the construction џхо у + Genitive is often preferred to (a) and (b), above:
Џши у Иванћва торчђли из-под шђпки. Ivanov's ears stuck out from under his hat.

Restrictive modifiers

(a) adjectival modifier
лљвое/прђвое џхо the left/right ear
У менї лљвое џхо болќт. My left ear aches.

Lexical Relationships


лопухќ Colloquial; локђторы Slang ears
NB The common meaning of лопџх is "burdock" and that of локђторы is "radar detectors."
ћрган слџхаg the organ of hearing


џшко; ушкћ ear
NB The word ушкћ, above, also means "eye," as in "the eye of a needle."

Syntactic derivatives

ушнћй aural, ear (as modifier)
ушнћй врђч ear doctor
ушнђя рђковина external ear
-џхий -eared
длинноџхий long-eared


ушнђя рђковина Anatomical external ear
барабђнная перепћнка Anatomical ear drum
мћчка; мћчка џхаg ear lobe
хрящќ; ушнІе хрящќ the cartilage of the ear
нарџжное џхо Anatomical outer ear
срљднее џхо Anatomical middle ear
внџтреннее џхо Anatomical inner ear
Appearance, conditions, and sensations

Size, shape, and other visible properties (human ear)

большќе џши big ears
ушђстый Colloquial big-eared
мђленькие џши small ears
оттопІренные џши protruding ears
лопоџхий Colloquial lop-eared
торчђть [no Pf.]: у Ng џшиn торчђт N's ears stick out
хрящевђтые џши fleshless ears
волосђтые џши; зарћсшие џши hairy ears
красќвые џши pretty, beautiful ears
прелљстные џши (or џшки); чџдные џши (or џшки); очаровђтельные џши (or џшки) lovely ears, wonderful ears, charming ears, etc.
NB The above three expressions usually refer to ears of a woman or a child.
изїщные џши elegant ears
аккурђтные џши small, neat ears
аристократќческие џши aristocratic ears
NB The word аристократќческие is often used to describe small and shapely ears that sit close to the head.
некрасќвые џши; безобрђзные џши unattractive, ugly ears
урћдливые џши misshapen, deformed ears

Size, shape, and other visible properties (animal ear)

большќе џши big ears
ушђстый big-eared
мђленькие џши small ears
длќнные џши long ears
длинноџхий long-eared
корћткие џши short ears
короткоџхий short-eared
ћстрые џши sharp ears
остроџхий sharp-eared, having long ears with sharp ends
стоїчие џши upright ears
вќслые џши Formal; висїчие џши hanging ears, floppy ears
вислоџхий having floppy ears
рвђное џхо (or џши) lacerated ear(s)
пушќстые џши furry ears
лохмђтые џши; мохнђтые џши shaggy ears


крђсные џши red ears
красноџхий red-eared
краснљть/покраснљть: у Ng џшиn краснљют N's ears turn red
рћзовые џши pink ears
пунцћвые џши crimson ears
пылђть/запылђть: у Ng1 џшиn пылђют (от Ng2);
горљть [no Pf.]: у Ng1 џшиn горїт (от Ng2)
N's1 ears are burning (from N2)
NB N2 = стІд "shame," возбуждљние "excitement," морћз "frost," вљтер "wind," etc.

Ears exposed to cold

мёрзнуть/замёрзнуть: у Ng џшиn мёрзнут;
замерзђть/замёрзнуть: у Ng џшиn замерзђют
N's ears are cold, are freezing
краснљть/покраснљть: у Ng1 џшиn краснљют от Ng2 N's2 ears are getting red from N2
NB N2 = хћлод "cold," морћз "frost," or вљтер "wind."
отморђживать/отморћзить (себљd) џхоa;
обморђживать/обморћзить (себљd) џхоa
to get one's ear frostbitten
отморћженное џхо; обморћженное џхо frostbitten ear
белљть/побелљть: у Ng1 џшиn побелљли от Ng2 N's1 ears became white from N2
NB Usually, N2 = морћз "frost."
бљлое џхо a white ear
растирђть/растерљть џхоa to rub one's ear
У тебї џши бљлые! Нђдо растерљть ќх снљгом. Your ears are white! You have to rub them with snow.

Sensations, medical conditions, and their treatment

воспалљние срљднего џхаg; отќт Medical inflammation of the inner ear, otitis
тљчь/потљчь [Pf-begin]: у Ng течёт из џхаg N's ear is running
идтќ/пойтќ [Pf-begin]: у Ng гнћйn идёт из џхаg;
тљчь/потљчь [Pf-begin]: у Ng гнћйn течёт из џхаg;
гноќться/загноќться [Pf-begin]: у Ng џхоn гноќтся
pus is running out of N's ear
надџть [no Impf.]: Nd надџло џхоa;
продџть [no Impf.]: Nd продџло џхоa
N got an earache from cold air or wind
NB Cold air (above) is often thought of as the cause for an earache. Note that продџть џхо in a personal construction means "to clear the ear passage using air pressure"; this usage is illustrated below.
заклђдывать/заложќть: у Ng заклђдывает џшиa (or џхоa); Nd заклђдывает џшиa (or џхоa); у Ng џшиn залћжены (or џхоn залћжено) Colloquial N's ears are (or ear is) blocked, stuffed up
колћть [no Pf.]: у Ng в џхеp кћлет N has a pain in his ear
стрелїть [no Pf.]: у Ng в џхеp стрелїет;
стрелїть [no Pf.]: у Ng џхоn стрелїет
N has a shooting pain in his ear
Вчерђ на џлице бІло ћчень хћлодно, мнљ продџло џхо. Сегћдня нћчью не моглђ спђть — в џхе стрелїло. Придётся снћва идтќ к ушникџ. It was cold outside yesterday and I got an earache. Last night I couldn't sleep — there was a shooting pain in my ear. I'll have to go to an ear specialist again.
звенљть/зазвенљть [Pf-begin]: у Ng в ушђхp звенќт;
стоїть [no Pf.]: у Ng звћнn в ушђхp стоќт
N's ears are ringing
У менї всё ещё звћн в ушђх стоќт от вчерђшней мџзыки. My ears are still ringing from yesterday's music.
шумљть/зашумљть [Pf-begin]: у Ng в џхеp шумќт N's ear is buzzing
шџм в ушђхp a buzzing in one's ears
сљра; сљра в џхеp; сљрная прћбка в џхеp earwax
бћль (or рљзь) в џхеp earache
зџд в џхеp itching in one's ear
врђч џхо-гћрло-нћс; ушнќк Colloquial; њтоларингћлог Formal ear, nose, and throat doctor, otolaryngologist
промывђть/промІть Nd џхоa to flush out N's ear
продувђть/продџть Nd џхоa to clear N's ear passage using air pressure
чќстить/прочќстить џхоa to clean out one's ear
ушнІе кђпли ear drops
кђпать (кђплиa) в џхоa to put drops in one's ear
прогревђть/прогрљть џхоa (сќней лђмпойi) to apply heat to one's ear (using a heat lamp)
прогревђние heat treatment
стђвить/постђвить компрљссa на џхоa to put a compress on one's ear
Ушнќк вІписал мнљ кђпли, велљл стђвить компрљссы и назнђчил прогревђния. The ear specialist gave me drops, told me to put on compresses, and prescribed heat treatment.

Inflicting injuries

хватђть/схватќть Na за џхоa (or зђ ухоa) to grab N by the ear
дёргать/дёрнуть [Pf-once] Na за џхоa (or зђ ухоa) to pull N's ear
крутќть [no Pf.] Nd џхоa to twist N's ear
надирђть/надрђть Nd џшиa;
таскђть/оттаскђть Na зђ ушиa
to pull N's ears (as a fairly severe punishment)
NB The expressions with the verbs надрђть and оттаскђть describe a common punishment, usually applied to children. It is more or less equivalent to the English "boxing someone's ears."
Мђть оттаскђла егћ зђ уши (or надрђла емџ џши). His mother boxed his ears.
оторвђть [no Impf.] Nd (всљ) џшиa;
оборвђть [no Impf.] Nd (всљ) џшиa
to pull N's ears off (as a threat of punishment)
NB The above two expressions are used only as a threat of punishment in direct address, usually directed to children. They are not used in describing events that took place. The literal meaning of the verbs оторвђть and оборвђть is "to pull off, to tear off."
Протќвный мальчќшка! ТІ зачљм пристаёшь к Нќне? Ещё рђз увќжу, џши оторвџ! You nasty little boy! Why are you pestering Nina? If I catch you doing it again, I'm going to pull your ears off!
ударїть/удђрить Na пћ ухуd to hit N on the ear, to box N's ear
NB The above expression indicates that the blow is inflicted intentionally.
ударїть/удђрить Na в џхоa to hit N's ear
NB The above expression may describe the situation where the blow is inflicted unintentionally; the subject of the verb might be, say, двљрь "door."
дђть [no Impf.] Nd в џхоa (or пћ ухуd) Colloquial;
съљздить [no Impf.] Nd пћ ухуd Highly Colloquial
to give it to N in the ear, to give N one in the ear


сљрьги; серёжки Colloquial earrings for pierced ears
клќпсы clip-on earrings
прокђлывать/проколћть џшиa (под сљрьгиa) to pierce one's ears (for earrings)
вдевђть/вдљть сљрьгиa в џшиa to put on earrings
носќть [no Pf.] сљрьгиa to wear earrings


слІшать/услІшать to hear
слџшать/послџшать [Pf-awhile] to listen
хорошћ слІшать [no Pf.] to hear well
плћхо слІшать [no Pf.] to hear poorly
љле (or едвђ) слІшать [no Pf.] to hear very poorly
Adv слІшать [no Pf.] прђвым (or лљвым, or однќм) џхомi to hear Adv with one's right (or left, or one) ear
NB Adv = хорошћ "well," плћхо "badly," љле "barely," едвђ "barely," etc.
Ї љле слІшу лљвым џхом. I can hardly hear out of my left ear.
глухћй deaf
глуховђтый partially deaf
тугоџхий hard of hearing
глухћй (or глуховђтый) на прђвое (or лљвое, or однћ) џхоa (partially) deaf in the right (or left, or one) ear
тџг на прђвое (or лљвое, or однћ) џхоa;
крљпок на прђвое (or лљвое, or однћ) џхоa Colloquial
partially deaf in the right (or left, or one) ear, hard of hearing in the right (or left, or one) ear
Мћй отљц тџг на однћ џхо. My father is almost deaf in one ear.
глћхнуть/оглћхнуть на прђвое (or лљвое, or однћ) џхоa to become deaf in the right (or left, or one) ear
ухудшљние слџха Formal hearing loss
слуховћй аппарђт hearing aid
шептђть/прошептђть, шепнџть Nd в џхоa (or нђ ухоa) to whisper into N's ear
говорќть/сказђть Nd в џхоa (or нђ ухоa) to talk into N's ear
кричђть/крќкнуть Nd в џхоa to yell into N's ear
над џхомi nearby, within one's hearing
NB The above expression is used with verbs denoting an emission of sound.
Над егћ џхом ктћ-то вздохнџл (or закричђл or заговорќл). Nearby, someone sighed (or shouted or spoke).
раздирђть [no Pf.] џшиa to be ear-splitting, to be so loud that one's ears hurt
Раздђлся раздирђющий џши свќст паровћза. The ear-splitting whistle of the engine was heard.
свистљть [no Pf.]: вљтерn свистќт в ушђхp the wind whistles in one's ears
звучђть/прозвучђть, зазвучђть [Pf-begin] в ушђхp to be heard in one's mind or imagination
Мелћдия из фќльма дћ сих пћр в ушђх звучќт. To this day I can still hear the melody from the film.
Дћ сих пћр в глазђх — снљга нђст,
Дћ сих пћр в ушђх — шмћна гђм. [А. Гђлич]
To this day I can picture the frozen crust of snow,
To this day I can hear the noisy frisking! [A. Galich]
слІшать/услІшать крђемi џхаg to hear in passing
слџшать вполџха; слџшать однќм џхомi to listen with only half an ear, without paying full attention
доносќться/донестќсь: Nn1 (не) донћсится до џшей Ng2 N1 does(n't) reach N2's ears
наџшники earphones
противошџмные наџшники soundproofing headgear
затІчки для ушљйg; берџши Formal ear plugs
чџткое џхо; тћнкое џхо a sensitive ear, good ears; a discriminating ear
— Тќхо, а тћ отљц услІшит! У негћ ћчень чџткое џхо. Be quiet, or else my father will hear! He has very good ears.
NB The expressions чџткое џхо and тћнкое џхо shown above refer to a metonymic use of џхо (usually in the singular form) in the meaning "the sense of hearing, the ability to hear."
Movements related to hearing

Trying to hear better

наклонїть/наклонќть џхоa к Nd to lean (lit. "to bend an ear") towards N
приставлїть/пристђвить ладћньa к џхуd to cup one's ear
приклђдывать/приложќть џхоa к стенљd (or двљриd, etc.);
приставлїть/пристђвить џхоa к стенљd (or двљриd, etc.)
to press one's ear to the wall (or the door, etc.)
подносќть/поднестќ часІa (or рђковинуa, or телефћнную трџбкуa, etc.) к џхуd to lift a watch (or a seashell, the telephone, etc.) to one's ear
Ћн поднёс часІ к џху. Онќ не тќкали. He lifted the watch to his ear. It wasn't ticking.
приклђдывать/приложќть трџбкуa к џхуd to put the (telephone) receiver to one's ear
Ћн снїл трџбку и приложќл её к џху. He picked up the receiver and put it to his ear.
держђть [no Pf.] у џхаg трџбкуa to hold the receiver at one's ear
поворђчиваться/повернџться к Nd прђвым (or лљвым, or здорћвым) џхомi to turn one's right (or left, or good) ear towards N
NB N = noun referring to a person or a source of sound, e.g. a radio.
наклонїться/наклонќться к (сђмому) џхуd Ng;
склонїться/склонќться к (сђмому) џхуd Ng
to lean over (right) to N's ear
...а Арчибђльд Арчибђльдович ужљ шептђл тќхо, нћ ћчень выразќтель-но, склонїясь к сђмому џху Корћвьева... [М. Булгђков, Мђстер и Маргарќта] ... but Archibald Archibaldovich was already leaning over right to Korovyev's ear, whispering quietly but expressively... [M. Bulgakov, Master and Margarita]

Trying not to hear

зажимђть/зажђть (себљd) џшиa to cover one's ears
Мђльчик зажђл себљ џши рукђми, чтобы не слІшать упрёки сестрІ. The boy put his hands over his ears, so he wouldn't hear his sister's reproach.
затыкђть/заткнџть (себљd) (пђльцамиi) џшиa to plug one's ears, to stick something (e.g. fingers) in one's ears to block out sound
Other movements

Movements that involve human ears

шевелќть/зашевелќть [Pf-begin], пошевелќть [Pf-awhile] ушђмиi to wiggle one's ears
Пљтя умљет шевелќть ушђми! Petya can wiggle his ears!
мІть/вІмыть, помІть џшиa to wash one's ears
чќстить/прочќстить џшиa to clean out one's ears
ковырїть [no Pf.] в џхеp to dig in one's ear (with one's finger)
заклђдывать/заложќть карандђшa (or рџчкуa, or папирћсуa, etc.) за џхоa (or зђ ухоa) to put a pencil (or pen, cigarette, etc.) behind one's ear
брђть/взїть Na за џхоa (or зђ ухоa) to take N by the ear
сдвигђть/сдвќнуть шлїпуa (or шђпкуa, or берљтa, etc.) нђ ухоa;
залђмывать/заломќть шлїпуa (or шђпкуa, or берљтa, etc.) нђ ухоa
to tilt/cock one's hat (or cap, beret, etc.) over one's ear
Сљрый берљт ћн лќхо заломќл нђ ухо. [М. Булгђков, Мђстер и Маргарќта] He cocked his grey beret jauntily over his ear. [M. Bulgakov, Master and Margarita]
натїгивать/натянџть шђпкуa (or берљтa, etc.) нђ ушиa to pull one's hat (or beret, etc.) down over one's ears

Movements that involve animal ears

прижимђть/прижђть џшиa к головљd to flatten one's ears against one's head, to pin back one's ears
вставђть/встђть: у Ng џшиn встђли (торчкћм) N's ears stood erect
насторђживать/насторожќть џшиa;
навострїть/навострќть џшиa Colloquial
to prick up one's ears
NB The above expression can be used metaphorically to refer to human beings.
Собђка зђмерла и насторожќла џши. The dog stood still and pricked up its ears.
УслІшав, что мІ говорќм о нём, мальчќшка навострќл џши. The boy heard us talking about him and pricked up his ears.
вздрђгивать/вздрћгнуть: у Ng џшиn вздрђгивают N's ears are quivering
двќгать/задвќгать [Pf-begin] ушђмиi to move one's ears
шевелќть/пошевелќть, зашевелќть [Pf-begin] ушђмиi to move one's ears in a slow, lazy manner
поводќть/повестќ ушђмиi to twitch one's ears slightly
прїдать/запрїдать [Pf-begin] ушђмиi to twitch/flick one's ears; to pin one's ears back
Лћшадь пуглќво прїдала ушђми. The horse nervously twitched its ears.
встрїхивать/встряхнџть [Pf-once] ушђмиi to flick one's ears
чесђть/почесђть Nd зђ ухомi (or за џхомi, or за ушђмиi) to scratch N behind the ears
Нђша кћшка обожђет, когдђ љй чљшут за ушђми. Our cat loves to be scratched behind the ears.

Sample texts

... [головђ] тђк утрќрованно откќнута назђд на чересчџр тћнкой шље, тђк пІшно вьєтся и встаєт дІбом мїгкие рыжевђтые вћлосы... тђк торчђт оттопІренные џши. [Г. Ивђнов, Петербџргские зќмы, о Мандельштђме] ... [the head] is thrown back so dramatically, on such an extremely thin neck, and the soft reddish hair stands on end, forming such a bushy mass of curls, and the ears protrude so conspicuously... [G. Ivanov, Petersburg Winters, on Mandelshtam]
...неизвљстного вћзраста человљк — существћ с жќлистой птќчьей шљей и... с осћбенно блљдными, прозрђчно-восковІми, большќми ушђми. [З. Гќппиус, Благоухђние седќн, о Победонћсцеве] ...a man of indeterminate age — a creature with a sinewy bird-like neck and... with large, very pale, waxy-transparent ears. [Z. Gippius, Sweet Old Age, on Pobedonostsev]
...скрутќв однџ папирћсу, клђл её себљ зђ ухо, скрутќв вторџю — за другће... [Г. Газдђнов, НочнІе дорћги] ...he rolled one cigarette and parked it behind his ear; then he rolled a second one and parked it behind the other... [G. Gazdanov, Night Roads]
Маргарќта сидљла, заткнџв пђльцами џши, и глядљла на совџ, дремђвшую на камќнной пћлке. [М. Булгђков, Мђстер и Маргарќта] Margarita sat there plugging her ears shut, looking at the owl dozing on the mantlepiece. [M. Bulgakov, Master and Margarita]
Но Ќшка [ишачќха] рассердќлась, прижђла џши к затІлку и мотнџла головћй в нђшу стћрону. [О. Перћвская, Ребїта и зверїта] But Ishka [a donkey] became angry, pinned her ears back, and shook her head in our direction. [O. Perovskaya, Children and Baby Animals]
Хћдит-хћдит [медвежћнок] спокћйно по дворџ,... вдрџг поднќмет гћлову, поведёт ушђми и помчќтся вокрџг дћма... [О. Перћвская, Ребїта и зверїта] It [a bear cub] walks and walks calmly around the yard,.. suddenly it lifts its head, moves its ears, and runs around the house... [O. Perovskaya, Children and Baby Animals]
По какќм-то емџ [пџделю] одномџ извљстным прќзнакам ћн всегдђ безошќбочно узнавђл дорћгу и, вљсело болтђя мохнђтыми ушђми, кидђлся галћпом вперёд. [А. Купрќн, Бљлый пџдель] He [the poodle] would confidently recognize the road by some signs known to him alone, and would bound ahead, merrily flapping his shaggy ears. [A. Kuprin, "The White Poodle"]