Всё лицћ бІло смџгло, изнуренћ недџгом; ширћкие скџлы выступђли сќльно над опђвшими под нќми щекђми. [Н. Гћголь, Тарђс Бџльба]
The face was swarthy, worn by illness; the broad cheekbones jutted out sharply over the sunken cheeks. [N. Gogol, "Taras Bulba"]
И Пљрец удђрил егћ. Удђрил, кђжется, по скулљ, с хрџстом, и вІвихнул себљ пђлец. [Стругђцкие, Улќтка на склћне]
And Pepper hit him. It seems he delivered a crunching blow to the cheekbone and dislocated his finger. [A. and B. Strugatskiy, The Snail on the Slope]