Прђвая щќколотка Мђши распџхла. | Masha's right ankle is swollen. |
Ћн смотрљл на её щќколотки. | He looked at her ankles. |
NB When the word щќколотка functions as a subject and does not have a descriptive modifier, the construction щќколотка у + Genitive is often preferred to (a) and (b), above: | |
Прђвая щќколотка у Мђши распџхла. | Masha's right ankle is swollen. |
NB Note that (a) is more common than (b) or (c). | |
лљвая/прђвая щќколотка | the left/right ankle |
Прђвая щќколотка у Мђши распџхла. | Masha's right ankle is swollen. |
щќколотка лљвой/прђвой ногќ | the left/right ankle |
щќколотка на лљвой/прђвой ногљ | the left/right ankle |