
Syntactic actants

Actant 1: whose cheek it is
(a) Genitive
(b) Possessive
Емџ нрђвились румїные щёки Натђши. He liked Natasha's rosy cheeks.
Щёки её ввалќлись. Her cheeks were sunken.
NB When the word щекђ functions as a subject and does not have a descriptive modifier, the construction щекђ у + Genitive is often preferred to (a) and (b), above:
Щёки у Натђши пџхлые и румїные. Natasha's cheeks are plump and rosy.

Restrictive modifiers

(a) adjectival modifier
лљвая/прђвая щекђ the left/right cheek
Лљвая щекђ у Натђши былђ всї исцарђпана. Natasha's left cheek was all scratched.