большћй рћт
a large mouth
огрћмный рћт
an enormous mouth
ширћкий рћт
a wide mouth
The word џзкий is not used to render an equivalent of the English expression "a thin mouth"; тћнкие гџбы "thin lips" is used instead.
небольшћй рћт
a small mouth
мђленький рћт
a little mouth
аккурђтный рћтик
a small, nicely shaped mouth
очертђния ртђg
the shape/outline of the mouth
лќнии ртђg
the shape/lines of the mouth
Лќнии ітого ртђ бІли замечђтельно тћнко изћгнуты [Л. Толстћй, Войнђ и мќр]
The lines of this mouth were extraordinarily finely curved. [L. Tolstoy, War and Peace]
кривћй рћт
a crooked mouth
having a crooked mouth
(глубћкие) склђдки у ртђg
(deep) lines around the mouth
Мнљ бІло бћльно вќдеть глубћкие склђдки у её ртђ.
It was painful for me to see the deep lines around her mouth.
пџхлый рћт (or пџхлые гџбы)
a full mouth, full lips
The words пћлный "full; plump," and тћлстый "fat; thick" are not used with рћт, though these adjectives are used with the word гџбы "lips."
нљжный рћт (or нљжные гџбы)
a soft mouth, a tender mouth; soft lips, tender lips
чџвственный рћт
a sensual mouth
красќво очљрченный рћт
a beautifully shaped mouth
красќвый рћт
a beautiful mouth
очаровђтельный рћт (or рћтик); прелљстный рћт (or рћтик)
a charming mouth
The two expressions shown above are often used to describe a woman's or a child's mouth.
некрасќвый рћт
an unpleasant-looking mouth
безобрђзный рћт
a misshapen/ugly mouth
щербђтый рћт
a gap-toothed mouth, a mouth with some teeth missing