Ћн увќдел слёзы на реснќцах ребёнка.
He noticed tears on the child's lashes.
Её и без тогћ тёмные реснќцы бІли сќльно накрђшены.
Her naturally dark eyelashes were heavily made up.
When the word реснќцы functions as a subject and does not have a descriptive modifier (like тёмные, above), the construction реснќцы у + Genitive is often preferred to (a) and (b), above:
Реснќцы у неё бІли сќльно накрђшены.
Her eyelashes were heavily made up.
выпадђть/вІпасть: у Ng реснќцыn выпадђют
N's eyelashes are falling out
попадђть/попђсть: Nd реснќцаn попђла в глђзa
N's eyelash has fallen in his eye
Мнљ реснќца в глђз попђла и кћлет.
I have a lash in my eye, and it hurts.
залеплїть/залепќть: снљгn залепќл Nd реснќцыa
N's eyelashes are glued together with snow
нависђть/навќснуть: слёзыn нависђют на реснќцахp
tears hang on one's eyelashes
Двљ крџпные слезІ навќсли на реснќцах мђльчика.
Two large teardrops were hanging on the little boy's lashes.
блестљть/заблестљть [Pf-begin]: слёзыn блестїт на реснќцахp
tears sparkle on one's eyelashes
мћкрые реснќцы
wet eyelashes
мћкрые от слёзg реснќцы
eyelashes wet with tears
кђпать/кђпнуть: слёзыn кђпают с реснќцg
tears drip from one's eyelashes
на реснќцахp
on one's eyelashes
ќней на реснќцах
frost on one's eyelashes
слёзы на реснќцах
tears on one's eyelashes
вздрђгивать/вздрћгнуть: у Ng реснќцыn вздрђгивают;
дрћгнуть [no Impf.]: у Ng реснќцыn дрћгнули
N's eyelashes quiver
The above expressions indicate an emotional state such as excitement, hurt or grievance.
«А тІ остђнешься дћма», — сказђл ћн женљ. У неё вздрћгнули реснќцы, нћ онђ ничегћ не отвљтила.
"You're staying home", he told his wife. Her eyelashes quivered, but she said nothing.
опускђть/опустќть реснќцыa
to lower one's eyelashes
The above expression often indicates embarrassment.
поднимђть/поднїть реснќцыa
to raise one's eyelashes
взмђхивать/взмахнџть реснќцамиi
to flutter one's eyelashes, to bat one's eyelashes
Стћит љй взмахнџть своќми длќнными реснќцами, кђк ћн бџдет у её нћг!
All she has to do is bat her long eyelashes and he'll throw himself at her feet!
хлћпать [no Pf.] реснќцамиi Colloquial
to blink (one's eyes)
The above expression indicates a state of confusion or surprise.
Тџт нђдо дљйствовать, а тІ хлћпаешь реснќцами!
It's time to act, and you just stand there blinking your eyes!
лљзть [no Pf.]: Nd реснќцыn лљзут в глазђa
N's eyelashes get in his eyes
Надољли мнљ моќ реснќцы! Вљчно лљзут в глазђ!
I'm sick of these eyelashes! They're always getting in my eyes!
вырывђть/вІрвать реснќцуa
to pull out an eyelash
ВІрви реснќцу и загадђй желђние.
Pull out a lash and make a wish.
The above example refers to a popular superstition: the lash is put on one hand, the hand is hit with the other hand, and if the lash flies off, the wish is granted.
из-под реснќцg
from under one's eyelashes
Онђ удивлённо взглянџла из-под реснќц.
She gave a look of surprise from under her eyelashes.
сквћзь реснќцыa
through one's eyelashes
Сквћзь реснќцы полуприкрІтых глђз ћн вќдел, кђк постепљнно наступђла темнотђ.
Through the lashes of his half-closed eyes he saw the dark gradually creeping in.
Онђ прошлђ мќмо негћ, прошлђ рћвной, тороплќво-смирљнной похћдкой монђхини — и не взглянџла на негћ; тћлько реснќцы обращённого к немџ глђза чџть-чџть дрћгнули... [И. Тургљнев, Дворїнское гнездћ]
She walked past him, walked past with the hurried, meek walk of a nun, and did not look at him; but the lashes on the eye nearest him quivered ever so slightly. [I. Turgenev, A Nest of Gentlefolk]
Какђя-то хорћшенькая молодђя балерќна... уверїла, стыдлќво опускђя реснќцы, что ћн [Єрий Ђнненков] дђже спќт с монћклем. [И. Одћевцева, На берегђх НевІ]
Some pretty, young ballerina, lowering her eyelashes in embarrassment, maintained that he [Yuri Annenkov] even slept with his monocle on. [I. Odoyevtseva, On the Banks of the Neva]