пћяс waist

Ћн зашёл в вћду по пћяс. He went into water up to his waist.


This entry is concerned with the use of the word пћяс to refer to the part of the human body between the rib cage and the hips. This word does not refer to animals. For the difference between the word пћяс and its synonym тђлия, see Lexical Relationships: Synonyms. The word пћяс is also used to refer to belts, sashes, and other similar items of clothing, a meaning not described in this dictionary.


пћяс SE NPlur. -ђ; m.in.noun


Syntactic actants

Actant 1: whose waist it is
(a) Genitive
(b) Possessive
Ћн обвїзывает верёвку вокрџг пћяса дљвочки. He is tying the cord around the girl's waist.
Вокрџг её пћяса шлђ верёвка. A cord went around her waist.

Lexical Relationships


тђлия waist
NB Тђлия "waist" vs. пћяс "waist." These synonyms have different combinatory properties. The word пћяс "waist" is used to indicate the level of something, e.g. гћлый до пћяса "naked to the waist," водђ по пћяс "water up to one's waist," etc. Such expressions are not used with тђлия "waist." On the other hand, the word тђлия is used in expressions which describe the shape of that part of the body: тћнкая тђлия "a slim waist," џзкая тђлия "a narrow waist," etc. The word пћяс is not used in such constructions (except for the expression тћнкий в пћясе "small-waisted").

Syntactic derivatives

пояснћй waist (as modifier)
пояснћй портрљт half-length portrait

Other expressions

тћнкий в пћясеp small-waisted
по пћясa to the waist
Ћн зашёл в вћду по пћяс. He went into water up to his waist.
высћвываться/вІсунуться по пћясa to lean halfway out
до пћясаg down to the waist
В кћмнату вошёл гћлый до пћяса мужчќна. Into the room walked a man who was naked to the waist.
Онђ нћсит ожерљлья до пћяса. She wears necklaces down to her waist.
вокрџг пћясаg around the waist
нќже пћясаg below the waist
вІше пћясаg above the waist

Sample texts

Удђры нќже пћяса в бћксе запрещенІ. In boxing, blows below the belt are not allowed.
Водќтель грузовикђ, вІсунувшись по пћяс из раскрІтой двљрцы, чтћ-то емџ кричђл. The truck driver, leaning halfway out the open door, was yelling something to him.