потљть/вспотљть, пропотљть
to sweat
Пћсле аспирќна ћн вљсь пропотљл и температџра спђла.
After he took the aspirin he sweated all over and his temperature fell.
бІть [no Pf.] (вљсь) в потџloc
to be sweaty
Ћн прибежђл вљсь в потџ.
He came running all in a sweat.
A synonymous expression, в мІле "in a lather" is often used to refer to animals, especially horses.
(вљсь) покрывђться/покрІться пћтомi
to be covered with sweat
Пётр Ивђнович от волнљния вљсь покрІлся пћтом.
Anxiety covered Pyotr Ivanovich with sweat.
обливђться/облќться пћтомi
to be covered with sweat
Стоїла жарђ, и пџтники обливђлись пћтом.
It was hot and the travellers were covered with sweat.