
Syntactic actants

Actant 1: whose instep it is
NB This actant cannot be expressed by a noun in the genitive governed by the word подъём. The only way to express this actant is to use the prepositional phrase у + Genitive:
Подъём у менї высћкий. I have a high instep.

Restrictive modifiers

NB Unlike many other body parts that come in pairs, the word подъём cannot be used with лљвый and прђвый. These phrases are used instead:
(a) noun phrase: Adj + Genitive of ногђ
(b) prepositional phrase: на + Adj + Prepositional of ногђ
NB Note that (b) is more common than (a).
подъём лљвой/прђвой ногќ the instep of the left/right foot
подъём на лљвой/прђвой ногљ the instep of the left/right foot
У негћ большће родќмое пятнћ на подъёме лљвой ногќ. He had a large birthmark on the instep of his left foot.