подъём instep

Лљвый ботќнок жмёт в подъёме. The left boot pinches my instep.


This entry is concerned with the use of the word подъём to refer to the top part of a human foot. The word подъём is also used to refer to the corresponding part of a boot or shoe, as in ботќнки с нќзким подъёмом "boots with a low instep," a usage not described in this entry. Other meanings, such as "raising" (подъём флђга "raising the flag"), "increase" (промІшленный подъём "increase in industrial output"), enthusiasm (ћн испІтывал подъём "he felt enthusiastic"), etc., are likewise not described in this dictionary.


подъём SS m.in.noun


Syntactic actants

Actant 1: whose instep it is
NB This actant cannot be expressed by a noun in the genitive governed by the word подъём. The only way to express this actant is to use the prepositional phrase у + Genitive:
Подъём у менї высћкий. I have a high instep.

Restrictive modifiers

NB Unlike many other body parts that come in pairs, the word подъём cannot be used with лљвый and прђвый. These phrases are used instead:
(a) noun phrase: Adj + Genitive of ногђ
(b) prepositional phrase: на + Adj + Prepositional of ногђ
NB Note that (b) is more common than (a).
подъём лљвой/прђвой ногќ the instep of the left/right foot
подъём на лљвой/прђвой ногљ the instep of the left/right foot
У негћ большће родќмое пятнћ на подъёме лљвой ногќ. He had a large birthmark on the instep of his left foot.

Lexical Relationships

What it is a part of

ногђ foot
подъём лљвой ногќg the instep of the left foot


высћкий подъём a high instep
нќзкий подъём a low instep


жђть (no Pf.): ботќнокn (or сапћгn, etc.) жмёт в подъёмеp the shoe (or the boot, etc.) pinches one's instep
бІть џзок: ботќнокn (or сапћгn, etc.) џзок в подъёмеp the shoe (or the boot, etc.) is narrow in the instep

Sample texts

У него огрћмный волдІрь на лљвой ногљ, на подъёме. He has an enormous blister on his left instep.