Ничегћ не отвљтив, слћвно егћ нљ было, — тћлько вздрћгнули нћздри џзкого нћса, — онђ повернџлась на стџле,.. достђла с буфљта сзђди пљпельницу, постђвила у тарљлки, сбрћсила пљпел. [В. Набћков, Дђр]
Without a word of reply, as if he was not there — only the nostrils of her narrow nose quivered — she turned in her chair,..
obtained an ashtray from the sideboard behind her, placed it by her plate and flicked some ash into it. [V. Nabokov, The Gift]
Жљня Сморћдина, когдђ вселїла в слђбого, суетлќвого мџжа дџх борьбІ и протљста, самђ на глазђх хорошљла: глазђ совсљм темнљли,.. нћздри прямћго нћса вздрђгивали... [В. Шукшќн]
When Zhenya Smorodina was trying to inspire aggression and protest in her weak, fussy husband, her looks improved: her eyes seemed darker,.. and the nostrils of her straight nose quivered... [V. Shukshin]
Ничегћ, ничегћ, — бІстро сказђл господќн и вІпустил двљ тћнких струќ дІма из ноздрљй вдрџг сџзившегося нћса. [В. Набћков, Защќта Лџжина]
"Never mind, never mind," said the other quickly and expelled two thin streams of smoke through the nostrils of his suddenly narrowed nose. [V. Nabokov, The Defense]
Рысђк вскќнул гћлову, нћздри егћ трепетђли, ћн стрќг ушђми и подрђгивал мџскулами. [В. Сорћкин, Ромђн]
The trotter threw back his head, his nostrils trembled, he twitched his ears and his muscles quivered. [V. Sorokin, "Roman"]