Нћздри Тђни гнљвно вздрђгивали. | Tanya's nostrils quivered angrily. |
Нћздри егћ гнљвно вздрђгивали. | His nostrils quivered angrily. |
NB When the word нћздри functions as a subject and does not have a descriptive modifier, the construction нћздри у + Genitive is often preferred to (a) and (b), above: | |
Нћздри у мђльчика бІли зђткнуты вђтой. | The boy had wads of cotton in his nostrils. |
лљвая/прђвая ноздрї | the left/right nostril |
Лљвая ноздрї у мђльчика былђ зђткнута вђтой. | There was a wad of cotton in the boy's left nostril. |