Sniffing and smelling

чџткий нћс a sensitive nose
ћстрый нћс Colloquial a sharp nose, i.e. a good sense of smell
NB The above two expressions are used only for animals.
нєхать/понєхать Na to sniff N
Ї понєхал цветћк. Ћн оказђлся совершљнно без зђпаха. I sniffed the flower. It turned out to be completely without a scent.
Собђка понєхала вћздух и заскулќла. The dog sniffed the air and whimpered.
потїгивать/потянџть нћсомi (вћздухa) to sniff (the air)
Ћн потянџл нћсом и вљсело сказђл: «Огћ, бифштљксом пђхнет!» He sniffed and said cheerfully, "Hey, I smell steak!"
чџвствовать/почџвствовать зђпахa Ng (or Adj зђпах);
ощущђть/ощутќть зђпахa Ng (or Adj зђпах)
to smell N, to catch an Adj smell
ударїть/удђрить: зђпахn Ng1 удђрил Nd2 в нћсa;
шибђть/шибанџть: зђпахn Ng1 шибанџл Nd2 в нћсa Colloquial
the odor of N1 assailed N's2 sense of smell (lit. "hit N2 in the nose"), N2 was overpowered by the smell of N1
NB The verbs удђрить and шибанџть, above, are used only for a strong, unpleasant odor:
Зђпах хлћрки удђрил нђм в нћс. The smell of chlorine was overpowering.
поднимђть/поднїть нћсa to raise one's nose
NB The above expression is often said of a dog trying to catch a scent.
затыкђть/заткнџть нћсa;
зажимђть/зажђть нћсa
to hold one's nose (in order to avoid an unpleasant odor)