Size and shape; aesthetics

большћй нћс; крџпный нћс; здорћвый нћс Colloquial; здоровљнный нћс Colloquial large nose, prominent nose
носђтый Colloquial; большенћсый big-nosed, having a large nose
тћлстый нћс fat nose
толстонћсый having a big, fat nose
мђленький нћс little nose
тћнкий нћс thin nose
тонконћсый thin-nosed, having a thin nose
длќнный нћс long nose
длиннонћсый long-nosed
корћткий нћс short nose
прямћй нћс straight nose
классќческий нћс classical nose
грљческий нћс Greek nose
рќмский нћс Roman nose
порћдистый нћс aristocratic nose
NB Порћдистый нћс is a description often given to a prominent and straight nose, sometimes with a small hump (горбќнка) just below the bridge.
прђвильный нћс; нћс прђвильной фћрмыg well-formed nose
орлќный нћс aquiline nose
нћс с горбќнкойi large thin nose with a small hump
NB The description нћс с горбќнкой, above, is often meant as a compliment, as an acknowledgement of an interesting-looking nose.
Вћт портрљт Ахмђтовой. Нћс с горбќнкой, рљзко очљрченные скџлы, чёлка на лбџ. Here is a portrait of Akhmatova — an aquiline nose, cheek-bones sharply defined, bangs on her forehead.
нћс пџговкойi; нћс кнћпочкойi; нћс-пџговка button nose
вздёрнутый нћс; курнћсый нћс snub nose
курнћсый snub-nosed
кривћй нћс crooked nose
кривонћсый crooked-nosed, having a crooked nose
горбђтый нћс a large, ill-shaped nose with a hump in it
горбонћсый hook-nosed
хќщный нћс beaklike nose
утќный нћс long, flat nose resembling the bill of a duck
ћстрый нћс; вћстрый нћс Substandard sharp nose, needle nose
остронћсый; востронћсый Substandard sharp-nosed, needle-nosed
заострќться [no Impf.]: у Ng нћсn заострќлся N's nose became pointed
NB The above expression refers to one of the features of a face that has become thin.
От болљзни ћн стрђшно похудљл, глазђ ввалќлись, нћс заострќлся. He had gotten terribly thin from his illness, his eyes were sunken and his nose pointy.
заострённый нћс pointed nose
тупћй нћс blunt nose
плћский нћс; приплєснутый нћс; сплєщенный нћс flat, broad nose
ширћкий нћс wide nose
нћс крючкћмi; крючковђтый нћс hooked nose
нћс картћшкойi large bulbous nose
крџглый нћс round nose (not necessarily large)
мясќстый нћс fleshy nose
костќстый нћс bony nose
некрасќвый нћс an unattractive nose
безобрђзный нћс; урћдливый нћс ill-formed nose, ugly nose
NB The characteristics shown below are commonly used when describing a woman's or a child's nose:
точёный нћс (or нћсик); изїщный нћс exquisite nose
очаровђтельный нћс (or нћсик) charming nose
хорћшенький нћс (or нћсик); мќленький нћс (or нћсик); прелљстный нћс (or нћсик); аккурђтненький нћс (or нћсик) cute little nose