Size and shape; aesthetics

длќнные нћги long legs
длиннонћгий long-legged
корћткие нћги short legs
коротконћгий short-legged
пџхлые нћги (or, more commonly, нћжки) chubby legs
NB The above expression is usually used to refer to children.
тћлстые нћги heavy legs
пћлные нћги full, rounded legs
нћги, кђк тџмбы heavy, graceless legs (lit. "legs like posts")
NB The above two expressions are usually used to describe fat legs on a woman.
тћнкие нћги thin legs
тонконћгий thin-legged
тонконћгая цђпля a stilt-legged heron
худІе нћги skinny legs
костлївые нћги bony legs
нћги, кђк спќчки legs like matchsticks
прямІе нћги straight legs
кривІе нћги crooked legs
кривонћгий crooked-legged
кавалерќйские нћги bow legs
большќе нћги large feet
мђленькие нћги small feet
ширћкие нћги wide feet
џзкие нћги narrow feet
NB The above expressions referring to the dimensions of feet are normally in the plural when the speaker is making an aesthetic judgement, but for physical descriptions the singular is more likely to be used, e.g.
Јти тџфли љй не подойдџт: у неё ширћкая ногђ. These shoes won't fit her: she has a wide foot.
стрћйные нћги well-shaped legs
красќвые нћги beautiful legs
изїщные нћги graceful legs; elegant feet
безобрђзные нћги ugly legs; ugly feet