лљвая/прђвая ногђ
the left/right leg/foot
перљдние/зђдние нћги
forelegs/hind legs
лљвая/прђвая перљдняя/зђдняя ногђ
the left/right foreleg/hind leg
Жокљй осмотрљл лљвую перљднюю нћгу лћшади.
The jockey examined the horse's left foreleg.
The usual preferred order is лљвая/прђвая first, перљдняя/зђдняя second. To refer to both the left/right foreleg and hind leg, the phrase ћбе лљвые/прђвые ногќ is used.
Лљвая ногђ у негћ былђ корћче прђвой.
His left leg was shorter than his right.
Жокљй осмотрљл перљдние нћги лћшади.
The jockey examined the horse's forelegs.