Size and shape; aesthetics

большћй лћб; здорћвый лћб Colloquial a large forehead
огрћмный лћб an enormous forehead
сокрђтовский лћб a Socratic forehead
лобђстый Substandard; большелћбый having a large forehead
высћкий лћб a high forehead
ширћкий лћб a broad forehead
NB The size and shape of a forehead are considered to reflect a person's intellectual properties. Therefore the corresponding expressions have connotations of intelligence or, on the contrary, stupidity, narrow-mindedness; the expressions большћй, огрћмный, сокрђтовский or высћкий лћб, above, are associated with intelligence, while the expressions мђленький, џзкий or покђтый лћб, below, are associated with stupidity.
небольшћй лћб; мђленький лћб a small forehead
нќзкий лћб; невысћкий лћб a low forehead
СедІе егћ вћлосы висљли клћчьями над невысћким лбћм. [И. Тургљнев, Дворїнское гнездћ] Wisps of grey hair hung over his low forehead. [I. Turgenev, A Nest of Gentlefolk]
низколћбый having a low forehead
џзкий лћб a narrow forehead
узколћбый having a narrow forehead
NB The word узколћбый is also used metaphorically to mean "narrow-minded." Cf. твердолћбый, used only metaphorically, which means "hard-headed, stubborn."
крутћй лћб a steep forehead
крутолћбый having a steep forehead
вІпуклый лћб a protuberant forehead
покђтый лћб a sloping forehead
прямћй лћб a straight forehead
глђдкий лћб a smooth forehead
мрђморный лћб a marble brow
чќстый лћб a pure brow, usually a large, broad forehead with smooth skin
... вљки егћ бІли чџть опџщены, нћ лћб, чќстый, мрђморный, бІл невозмутќм. [А. Бќтов, Урћки Армљнии] ... his eyelids were lowered a bit, but his pure marble brow was imperturbable. [A. Bitov, Lessons of Armenia]
їсный лћб a clear brow, indicating that its possessor is untroubled, unworried
безмятљжный лћб Bookish a serene forehead
морщќнистый лћб a wrinkled brow, a furrowed brow
морщќны на лбџloc; склђдки на лбџloc wrinkles on one's forehead, brow
шишковђтый лћб a bumpy forehead
открІтый лћб an uncovered forehead, i.e. usually a high forehead without a scarf, bangs, etc. on it
лћб с залІсинамиi a receding hairline
красќвый лћб a pretty forehead
некрасќвый лћб an unattractive forehead, an ugly forehead
џмный лћб an intelligent forehead
лћб мыслќтеляg a thinker's brow
дегенератќвный лћб a degenerate brow
упрїмый лћб a stubborn forehead
белолћбый having a star or blaze on its forehead
NB The above word is used only of animals with a star or blaze on their foreheads.