forehead | |
Большћй лћб Николђя Ивђновича бІл вљсь в морщќнах. | Nikolai Ivanovich's large forehead was all wrinkled. |
brow | |
У Николђя Ивђновича бІл лћб мыслќтеля. | Nikolai Ivanovich had a thinker's brow. |
NB Irregular in phrases пћ лбу [по лбџ is also possible] "on the forehead"; что в лћб, что пћ лбу "all the same, it makes no difference." |
Пћт струќлся по лбџ больнћго. | Sweat streamed down the patient's forehead. |
Бросђется в глазђ её высћкий лћб. | The first thing you notice about her is her high forehead. |
NB When the word лћб functions as a subject and does not have a descriptive modifier, the construction лћб у + Genitive is often preferred to (a) and (b), above: | |
Лћб у Натђши большћй и їсный. | Natasha has a high, clear forehead. |
челћ Archaic or Poetic | brow |
лћбик; лобћк Folklore | forehead |
Вђся, Вђсенька, котћк,
Вђся, сљренький лобћк. |
Vasya, Vasyenka, you are a nice little cat with a nice little grey forehead. |
лбќще | forehead |
лћбный Anatomical | frontal, as in frontal sinus |
лћбная кћсть | the coronal bone |
лћбная пђзуха | the frontal sinus |
-лћбый | pertaining to the forehead |
низколћбый | having a low forehead |
большћй лћб; здорћвый лћб Colloquial | a large forehead |
огрћмный лћб | an enormous forehead |
сокрђтовский лћб | a Socratic forehead |
лобђстый Substandard; большелћбый | having a large forehead |
высћкий лћб | a high forehead |
ширћкий лћб | a broad forehead |
NB The size and shape of a forehead are considered to reflect a person's intellectual properties. Therefore the corresponding expressions have connotations of intelligence or, on the contrary, stupidity, narrow-mindedness; the expressions большћй, огрћмный, сокрђтовский or высћкий лћб, above, are associated with intelligence, while the expressions мђленький, џзкий or покђтый лћб, below, are associated with stupidity. | |
небольшћй лћб; мђленький лћб | a small forehead |
нќзкий лћб; невысћкий лћб | a low forehead |
СедІе егћ вћлосы висљли клћчьями над невысћким лбћм. [И. Тургљнев, Дворїнское гнездћ] | Wisps of grey hair hung over his low forehead. [I. Turgenev, A Nest of Gentlefolk] |
низколћбый | having a low forehead |
џзкий лћб | a narrow forehead |
узколћбый | having a narrow forehead |
NB The word узколћбый is also used metaphorically to mean "narrow-minded." Cf. твердолћбый, used only metaphorically, which means "hard-headed, stubborn." | |
крутћй лћб | a steep forehead |
крутолћбый | having a steep forehead |
вІпуклый лћб | a protuberant forehead |
покђтый лћб | a sloping forehead |
прямћй лћб | a straight forehead |
глђдкий лћб | a smooth forehead |
мрђморный лћб | a marble brow |
чќстый лћб | a pure brow, usually a large, broad forehead with smooth skin |
... вљки егћ бІли чџть опџщены, нћ лћб, чќстый, мрђморный, бІл невозмутќм. [А. Бќтов, Урћки Армљнии] | ... his eyelids were lowered a bit, but his pure marble brow was imperturbable. [A. Bitov, Lessons of Armenia] |
їсный лћб | a clear brow, indicating that its possessor is untroubled, unworried |
безмятљжный лћб Bookish | a serene forehead |
морщќнистый лћб | a wrinkled brow, a furrowed brow |
морщќны на лбџloc; склђдки на лбџloc | wrinkles on one's forehead, brow |
шишковђтый лћб | a bumpy forehead |
открІтый лћб | an uncovered forehead, i.e. usually a high forehead without a scarf, bangs, etc. on it |
лћб с залІсинамиi | a receding hairline |
красќвый лћб | a pretty forehead |
некрасќвый лћб | an unattractive forehead, an ugly forehead |
џмный лћб | an intelligent forehead |
лћб мыслќтеляg | a thinker's brow |
дегенератќвный лћб | a degenerate brow |
упрїмый лћб | a stubborn forehead |
белолћбый | having a star or blaze on its forehead |
NB The above word is used only of animals with a star or blaze on their foreheads. |
холћдный лћб | a cool forehead |
горїчий лћб | a hot forehead |
Дђй пощџпаю твћй лћб. Горїчий! Нављрно, у тебї температџра. | Let me feel your forehead. It's hot! You probably have a temperature. |
горљть [no Pf.]: у Ng лћбn горќт | N's forehead is burning up |
щџпать/пощџпать Nd лћбa | to feel N's forehead |
NB This is done to check if one has a temperature. | |
ломќть [no Pf.]: у Ng лћбa лћмит | N's forehead aches |
воспалљние лћбных пђзухg Medical | an inflammation of the frontal sinuses |
Пћсле грќппа у менї чђсто лћмит лћб, боєсь, что іто воспалљние лћбных пђзух. | Since I had the flu my forehead has been aching — I'm afraid now my sinuses are inflamed. |
мћкрый лћб | a wet, moist forehead |
влђжный лћб | a damp forehead |
пћтный лћб | a sweaty forehead |
лќпкий от пћтаg лћб | a forehead sticky from sweat |
прилипђть/прилќпнуть: вћлосыn прилќпли ко лбџd | one's hair stuck to one's forehead |
бќсер пћтаg на лбџloc | beads of sweat on one's forehead |
тљчь/потљчь [Pf-begin]: у Ng пћтn течёт по лбџd (or со лбђg);
струќться/заструќться [Pf-begin]: у Ng пћтn струќтся по лбџd (or со лбђg); кђпать/закђпать [Pf-begin]: у Ng пћтn кђпает со лбђg |
sweat is running/dripping down N's forehead |
потљть/вспотљть: у Ng лћбn вспотљл;
покрывђться/покрІться: у Ng лћбn покрІлся пћтомi (or испђринойi); выступђть/вІступить: у Ng пћтn вІступил (or испђринаn вІступила) на лбџloc |
sweat broke out on N's forehead |
вытирђть/вІтереть пћтный (or мћкрый) лћбa;
вытирђть/вІтереть пћтa со лбђg |
to wipe one's sweaty/damp forehead, brow |
набухђть/набџхнуть: на лбџloc у Ng набухђют шќшечкиn | antlers (lit. "knobs") are sprouting on N's head |
На лбџ у оленёнка набухђли двљ шќшечки — іто прорљзывались рогђ. | Two knobs sprouted on the fawn's head — it was his antlers poking through. |
синїк на лбџloc | a bruise on one's forehead |
шќшка на лбџloc | a bump on one's forehead |
вскђкивать/вскочќть: у Ng шќшкаn вскочќла на лбџloc | N got a bump on his forehead, a bump came up on N's forehead |
царђпина на лбџloc | a scrape on one's forehead |
стђвить/постђвить Nd/(себљ) синїкa на лбџloc | to give N/oneself a bruise on his/one's forehead |
стђвить/постђвить Nd/(себљ) шќшкуa на лбџloc;
набивђть/набќть Nd/(себљ) шќшкуa лбџloc; сажђть/посадќть Nd/(себљ) шќшкуa на лбџloc |
to give N/oneself a bump on his/one's forehead |
ударїть/удђрить Na по лбџd | to strike N on the forehead |
NB The above expression is used when the action is intentional. When the action is unintentional, в лћбa is used: | |
Пђдая, Сђша случђйно удђрил Пљтю в лћб. | As he was falling down, Sasha accidentally hit Petya on the forehead. |
врљзать [no Pf.] Nd по лбџd Colloquial | to hit N on the forehead |
разбивђть/разбќть Nd/(себљ) лћбa;
рассекђть/рассљчь Nd/(себљ) лћбa |
to cut open N's/one's forehead |
расцарђпать [no Impf.] Nd/(себљ) лћбa;
ободрђть [no Impf.] (себљ) лћбa |
to put a scratch on N's/one's forehead |
ударїться/удђриться лбћмi о Na;
стџкаться/стџкнуться лбћмi о Na |
to hit one's forehead against N |
приклђдывать/приложќть Na ко лбџd | to apply N to one's forehead |
Чтћбы остановќть кровотечљние, приложќте лёд ко лбџ. | In order to stop the bleeding, apply ice to the forehead. |
пускђть/пустќть себљd пџлюa в лћбa | to put a bullet through one's head (lit. "in the forehead") |
мћрщить/смћрщить, намћрщить лћбa | to wrinkle one's brow |
NB The above expression is used to indicate deep thought or worry. | |
Ну чтћ тІ хћдишь с намћрщенным лбћм? Не дџмай бћльше про іто, всё улђдится! | Why do you look so worried? (lit. "... go around with a furrowed brow?") Don't think about it anymore — everything will be fine! |
обозначђться/обознђчиться: у Ng на лбџloc обознђчилась склђдкаn | lines formed on N's forehead |
разглђживаться/разглђдиться: у Ng лћбn разглђдился;
прояснїться/прояснќться: у Ng лћбn прояснќлся |
N's forehead cleared |
Наконљц, лћб у негћ разглђдился (or прояснќлся), и ћн вљсело сказђл: «Ничегћ, мІ ещё побћремся!» | At last his brow cleared and he said happily: "We're not giving up yet!" |
разглђживаться/разглђдиться: склђдкаn на лбџloc у Ng разглђдилась | the lines on N's brow smoothed out |
NB The above expressions with прояснќться and разглђдиться indicate a change of mood from worry or sadness to cheerfulness and good spirits. | |
хлћпнуть [no Impf.] себїa пћ лбуd | to smack oneself on the forehead |
NB The above phrase is often used to indicate that someone suddenly recalls something or thinks of something: | |
Вдрџг Кћля хлћпнул себї пћ лбу: «Да ведь ї забІл тебљ сказђть сђмое глђвное — Мђша приезжђет!» | Kolya suddenly smacked himself on the forehead: "Oh, I forgot to tell you the main thing — Masha's coming!" |
надувђться/надџться: у Ng на лбџloc надџлась жќлаn | a vein swelled on N's forehead |
NB The above expression describes a condition arising from heavy physical exertion. |
прислонїться/прислонќться лбћмi к Nd;
прислонїть/прислонќть лћбa к Nd |
to lean one's forehead against N |
Дљвочка стоїла в углџ, прислонќв лћб (or прислонќвшись лбћм) к стенљ. | The little girl stood in the corner, leaning her forehead against the wall. |
NB Лћб belongs to the group of words (головђ "head," спинђ "back," плечћ "shoulder") that can be used with the verb прислонќться. Some other words referring to body parts cannot be used with this verb, e.g. рукђ "arm; hand," ногђ "leg; foot." These are used with оперљться, below. | |
опирђться/оперљться лбћмi на (or о) Na | to rest one's forehead on N, to lean one's forehead against N |
надвигђть/надвќнуть шђпкуa на лћбa;
нахлобџчивать/нахлобџчить шђпкуa на лћбa Colloquial |
to pull one's hat down over one's forehead |
Дџл ледянћй вљтер. Ћн надвќнул шђпку на лћб и пћднял воротнќк. | An icy wind was blowing. He pulled his hat down over his forehead and turned up his collar. |
сдвигђть/сдвќнуть очкќa на лћбa | to park one's glasses on one's forehead |
начёсывать/начесђть вћлосыa на лћбa | to comb one's hair over one's forehead |
убирђть/убрђть вћлосыa (or платћкa, etc.) со лбђg | to brush one's hair (scarf, etc.) back off of one's forehead |
откќдывать/откќнуть вћлосыa (or вуђльa, etc.) со лбђg | to throw one's hair (veil, etc.) back off of one's forehead |
пђдать/упђсть: вћлосыn упђли Nd на лћбa | N's hair fell across his forehead |
съезжђть/съљхать: шђпкаn съљхала Nd на лћбa | His hat slipped down over his forehead |
Прокурђтор тІльной сторонћй кќсти рукќ вІтер мћкрый, холћдный лћб... [М. Булгђков, Мђстер и Маргарќта] | The Procurator wiped his damp, cold forehead with the back of his hand. [M. Bulgakov, Master and Margarita] |
МІ вІшли вмљсте с Васќльевым, котћрый пћднял воротнќк пальтћ и надвќнул шлїпу на лћб. [Г. Газдђнов, НочнІе дорћги] | We went out with Vasilyev, who had turned up his coat collar and pulled his hat down on his forehead. [G. Gazdanov, Night Roads] |
Предложљние профљссора емџ ћчень понрђвилось, однђко прљжде чем отвљтить, ћн ћчень и ћчень подџмал, мћрща лћб, и, наконљц, сказђл твёрдо... [М. Булгђков, Мђстер и Маргарќта] | He liked the professor's proposal very much, but before answering he thought it over for a good while, wrinkling his brow, and finally said in a firm voice... [M. Bulgakov, Master and Margarita] |
Кђк ћн изменќлся! Глђдкий, їсный, высћкий лћб стђл морщќнистым и шишковђтым, глазђ потџхли, а у ртђ появќлась гћрькая склђдка. | He's changed so much! His smooth, clear, high forehead has become wrinkled and knobby, his eyes are dull, and bitter lines have appeared around his mouth. |
На лугџ пђсся телћк с бљлым пятнћм на лбџ. | A calf with a star on its forehead was grazing in the meadow. |
Когдђ у олљня начинђют растќ рогђ на лбџ, он станћвится ћчень беспокћйным, чђсто трётся лбћм о дерљвья. | When a deer's antlers begin to grow on its head, it becomes very restive and often rubs its head on tree trunks. |