Егћ ладћни бІли покрІты мозћлями и шрђмами. | His palms were covered with callouses and scars. |
Серёжины ладћни поразќли менї свољй глђдкостью и чистотћй. | Seryozha's palms amazed me with their smoothness and cleanliness. |
NB When the word ладћнь functions as a subject and does not have a descriptive modifier, the construction лђдонь у + Genitive is often preferred to (a) and (b), above: | |
Ладћни у негћ бІли покрІты шрђмами. | His palms were covered with scars. |
лљвая/прђвая ладћнь | the left/right palm |
Лљвая ладћнь у негћ былђ покрІта шрђмами. | His left palm was covered with scars. |
ладћнь лљвой/прђвой рукќ | the palm of the left/right hand |