ключќца collarbone, clavicle

clavicle, collarbone
Когдђ Слђве бІло четІре гћда, ћн упђл со стџла и сломђл лљвую ключќцу. When Slava was four years old, he fell off a chair and broke his left clavicle (his collarbone).
У негћ ключќцы торчђт. His collarbone sticks out.


This entry is concerned with the use of the word ключќца to refer to the collarbone in humans or animals, though the use of the term in referring to animals is rare. Common sense will dictate which of the expressions in this entry can or cannot be used to refer to animals or humans.

Note that the Russian plural form ключќцы can be translated with the English singular 'collarbone' or the plural 'clavicles'.


ключќца SS f.in.noun


Syntactic actants

Role 1: whose collarbone it is
(a) Genitive
(b) Possessive
Ключќцы больнћго бІли ћстрые, выступђющие вперёд. The patient's collarbone was sharp and jutting.
Посмотрќ на егћ ключќцы — кђк из концлђгеря. Look at his collarbone! He looks like he just got out of a concentration camp.
NB When the word ключќца functions as a subject and does not have a descriptive modifier, the construction ключќца у + Genitive is often preferred to (a) and (b), above:
Ключќцы у больнћго бІли ћстрые, выступђющие вперёд. The patient's collarbone was sharp and jutting.

Restrictive modifiers

(a) adjectival modifier
лљвая/прђвая ключќца the left/right clavicle
От дђвнего перелћма лљвая ключќца у менї всегдђ болљла к перемљне погћды. My collarbone (My left clavicle) always hurt when the weather changed because of an old fracture.
больнђя ключќца the bad clavicle, the part of the collarbone that was injured

Lexical Relationships

Syntactic derivatives

ключќчный Anatomical clavicular
ключќчная впђдина Anatomical clavicular cavity


ћстрые ключќцы prominent collarbone (clavicles)
выступђть [no Pf.]: у Ng ключќцыn выступђют (вперёд);
торчђть [no Pf.]: у Ng ключќцыn торчђт
N's collarbone is prominent

Inflicting and sustaining injuries

ломђть/сломђть Nd/(себљd) ключќцуa to break N's/one's collarbone
перелћм ключќцыg a fracture of the collarbone

Sample texts

Осћбенно емџ нрђвилась нљжная впђдина мљжду её ключќцами. He especially liked the tender hollow at the base of her throat.