Breast feeding

кормќть [no Pf.] Na грџдьюi;
вскђрмливать/вскормќть Na грџдьюi
to breast-feed N
NB Of the two expressions above, the first can refer either to a specific instance or to the practice of breast-feeding; the second refers only to the practice of breast-feeding.
давђть/дђть Nd грџдьa to give N the breast
отнимђть/отнїть Na от грудќg;
отлучђть/отлучќть Na от грудќg Formal
to wean N
брђть/взїть грџдьa to breast feed
С ітим ребёнком проблљма: ћн не берёт грџдь. There's a problem with this child: he won't breast feed.
сосђть [no Pf.] грџдьa to suck at the breast
наливђться/налќться: у Ng грџдьn налилђсь молокћмi;
набухђть/набџхнуть: у Ng грџдьn набџхла
N's breasts are filled with milk
NB The above expressions are not used in medical jargon as is the English "to lactate."
(тџго) перевїзывать/перевязђть грџдьa to bind one's breasts (in order to stop lactation)
у Ng нљт молокђg N doesn't have any milk
у Ng молокћn пропђло N's milk has dried up