The singular form грџдь is also used in standard style to refer to the
chest of a human or animal. This meaning is described in a separate entry (грџдь1).
The word грџдь is also used to refer to the part of clothing that covers the chest.
This meaning is not described in this dictionary, nor is the meaning "imaginary seat of
emotions" (И вдрџг ћн почџвствовал такџю тоскџ в грудќ! "And suddenly he felt such
anguish in his bosom!")
Грџдь госпожќ Шляпентћх былђ восхитќтельных размљров.
The size of madam Shlyapentokh's bosom was fascinating.
Её лљвая грџдь былђ открІта.
Her left breast was uncovered.
When the word грџдь functions as a subject and does not have a descriptive modifier, the construction грџдь у + Genitive is often preferred to (a) and (b), above:
Грџдь у госпожќ Шляпентћх былђ восхитќтельных размљров.
The size of madam Shlyapentokh's bosom was fascinating.
большђя грџдь
a large bosom; a large breast
высћкая грџдь
a high bosom
пћлная грџдь
a full bosom; a full breast
пІшная грџдь
a large bosom
роскћшная грџдь
a magnificent bosom
грудђстая Colloquial
мђленькая грџдь
a small bosom; a small breast
плћская грџдь; приплєснутая грџдь
a flat chest
нерђзвитая грџдь
pre-pubescent breasts
The adjectives shown above are also used with the plural form грџди, e.g. большќе грџди, пІшные грџди, etc. In the 19th century this usage was stylistically neutral, but in contemporary Russian it is colloquial, somewhat shocking, and not to
be used freely.
ћстрые грџди
conical breasts
The singular forms of грџдь are not used with the adjective ћстрая.
бљлая грџдь
a white bosom; a white breast
мїгкая грџдь
a soft bosom; a soft breast
нљжная грџдь
a tender bosom; a tender breast
тугђя грџдь
a firm bosom; a firm breast
упрџгая грџдь
a supple bosom; a supple breast
крљпкая грџдь; твёрдая грџдь
a firm bosom; a firm breast
висљть [no Pf.]: у Ng грџдьn висќт
N's breasts are sagging
тяжёлая грџдь
a heavy bosom; a heavy breast
гћлая грџдь
a naked bosom; a naked breast
открІтая грџдь
a bare bosom; a bare breast
обнажённая грџдь
a bared bosom; a bared breast
кормќть [no Pf.] Na грџдьюi;
вскђрмливать/вскормќть Na грџдьюi
to breast-feed N
Of the two expressions above, the first can refer either to a specific instance or to the practice of breast-feeding; the second refers only to the practice of breast-feeding.
давђть/дђть Nd грџдьa
to give N the breast
отнимђть/отнїть Na от грудќg;
отлучђть/отлучќть Na от грудќg Formal
to wean N
брђть/взїть грџдьa
to breast feed
С ітим ребёнком проблљма: ћн не берёт грџдь.
There's a problem with this child: he won't breast feed.
сосђть [no Pf.] грџдьa
to suck at the breast
наливђться/налќться: у Ng грџдьn налилђсь молокћмi;
набухђть/набџхнуть: у Ng грџдьn набџхла
N's breasts are filled with milk
The above expressions are not used in medical jargon as is the English "to lactate."
(тџго) перевїзывать/перевязђть грџдьa
to bind one's breasts (in order to stop lactation)
у Ng нљт молокђg
N doesn't have any milk
у Ng молокћn пропђло
N's milk has dried up
лќфчик; бюстгђльтер Formal
bra; brassiere
Јтот лќфчик хорошћ дљржит грџдь.
This bra gives good support to your breasts.
обрисћвываться [no Pf.]: у Ng обрисћвываются грџдиn (or обрисћвывается грџдьn)
the outline of N's breasts are visible
В четІрнадцать лљт у неё, при тћнкой тђлии и стрћйных нћжках, ужљ хорошћ обрисћвывались грџди... [И. Бџнин, Лёгкое дыхђние]
At the age of fourteen, her waist was thin, her legs shapely, and her breasts already full. [I. Bunin, "Light Breathing"]
щџпать/пощџпать грџдьa
to examine N's breast (lit. "examine by touching")
Врђч пощџпал лљвую грџдь пациљнтки и чтћ-то записђл.
The doctor examined the patient's left breast and jotted something down.
щџпать [no Pf.] Na Highly Colloquial
to fondle N, N's breasts, etc.
Да Кћлька тћлько однћ умљет — дљвок щџпать!
There's only one thing Kol'ka knows how to do: feel up the girls!
Перекќнув кћсу чљрез плечћ, онђ бІстро заплетђла её и... глядљла в зљркало, гдљ отражђлось её припџдренное лќчико, обнажённые плљчи и млѓчноголубІе, с рћзовыми соскђми, мђленькие грџди. [И. Бџнин, Мќтина любћвь]
Pulling her hair over her shoulder, she quickly braided it and... looked at herself in the mirror and saw a little powdered face, bare shoulders, and small, milk-white breasts with rosy nipples. [I. Bunin "Mitya's Love"]
Ћн почџвствовал на свољй грудќ упрџгое и подђтливое прикосновљние её крљпких высћких девќческих грудљй... [А. Купрќн, Лљночка]
He felt the firm but yielding pressure of her strong, high, girlish breasts against his chest... [A. Kuprin, "Lenochka"]
Графќня былђ в ширћком рћзовом капћте, с открІтой напџдренной грџдью... [И. Бџнин, Граммђтика любвќ]
The countess was in a flowing pink peignoir which showed her powdered bosom... [I. Bunin, "The Grammar of Love"]
У неё бІли твёрдые, далекћ отстоїщие дрџг от дрџга грџди... [Г. Газдђнов, НочнІе дорћги]
She had firm, widely-spaced breasts... [G. Gazdanov, Night Roads]