Бокђ сћболя светлље, чљм спинђ.
A sable's sides are lighter than its back.
Мђльчик спрїтался за её ширћкими бокђми.
The little boy hid behind her broad hips.
When the word бћк functions as a subject and does not have a descriptive modifier, the construction бћк у + Genitive is often preferred to (a) and (b), above:
Бокђ у сћболя светлље, чљм спинђ.
A sable's sides are lighter than its back.
схватќться [no Impf.] за бокђa
to slap one's sides
The above expression is used to describe a gesture which sometimes accompanies hearty laughter.
уперљть [no Impf.] рџкиa в бокђa;
стоїть [no Pf.] рџкиa в бћкиa;
to put one's hands on one's hips
The phrases shown above refer to a gesture which expresses challenge, defiance, etc.
Марќя стоїла рџки в бћки и угрожђюще смотрљла на сосљдку.
Maria stood with her hands on her hips and glared at her neighbor.
лежђть (or спђть) [no Pf.] на лљвом (or прђвом) бокџloc
to lie/sleep on one's left/right side
ложќться/лљчь на лљвІй (or прђвый) бћкa
to lay down on one's left/right side
поворђчиваться/повернџться нђ бокa (or на прђвый/лљвый бћкa)
to turn on one's (right/left) side
ворћчаться [no Pf.] с бћкуg нђ бокa
to toss and turn
валќться/повалќться нђ бокa
to roll over on one's side (in extreme fatigue or loss of consciousness)
Стёпа тќхо вздохнџл, повалќлся нђ бок, головћю стџкнулся о нагрљтый кђмень мћла. [М. Булгђков, Мђстер и Маргарќта]
Styopa gave a quiet sigh, rolled over on his side, and hit his head against the heated stone of the breakwater. [M. Bulgakov, Master and Margarita]
утыкђться/уткнџться Nd в бћкa
to nudge N in the side
Оленёнок уткнџлся мђтери в бћк.
The fawn nudged its mother's flank.
толкђть/толкнџть Na в бћкa;
пихђть/пихнџть Colloquial Na в бћкa
to nudge N in the ribs
сжимђть/сжђть колљнямиi (or пїткамиi) бокђa Ng
to grip N's flanks with one's knees/heels
N = an animal that one can ride.
Андрљй сжимђл колљнями бокђ жеребцђ.
Andrei was gripping the stallion's flanks with his knees.
Спешђ к телефћну, ћн удђрился бћком об џгол столђ.
As he was rushing to the telephone, he bumped his side on a corner of the table.
УслІшав нћвость, отљц схватќлся за бокђ и разразќлся хћхотом.
When he heard the news, Father slapped his sides and burst into laughter.
Лолќта... стоїла, упершќсь рукђми в бокђ и широкћ расстђвив нћги... [В. Набћков, Лолќта]
Lolita... stood, arms akimbo, feet wide apart... [V. Nabokov, Lolita]
Тџт ћн пќхнул менї в бћк, и ї пћнял, что сказђл лќшнее.
At this point he poked me in the ribs and I realized that I had said something I shouldn't have.
И Пирђтка ложќлся нђ бок, бессќльно протянџв лђпы и гћлову. [А. Купрќн, Пирђтка]
Then Piratka would flop down on his side, his paws and head lying limply on the ground. [A. Kuprin, "Piratka"]